Sunday, January 18, 2009

We'll get through...

Yesterday was a weird day. I found out that I have to give up liking a person. I didn't let it get to me.. But the funny thing was, 3 separate friends who were talking to me had a similar story to tell me y'day. Everyone is hurt.

One likes a boy but he doesn't like her back. The other likes a girl but she doesn't love him back. The third story was similar to this too. I was thinking, guess am not the only one who's hurt. Compared to all the stories, I felt that what I am going through is nothing. I mean am not hurt at all. I guess it's coz I always knew things might not work out. But listening to my friends say that they are hurt just broke my heart. I guess I can handle me being hurt, but I hate to see my friends hurt. But what I told all of them was, we'll get through this together. As long as there's family and friends around you, why be hurt?

Why do people get hurt when one person doesn't love you the way you want them to love you? If we get hurt because of that, what would the rest of the people who love us feel? I mean, if we say we feel that we have lost hope because one person has hurt us, the others who love us with all their hearts will feel hopeless. Therefore I am never ever going to lose hope or feel sad till I have my family and best friends around me.

I would like to thank all the people who make my life brighter! Without you all, my life would be nothing.. No one can replace the love you all give me. I am the most luckiest person on earth! *Bow*


Lady divine said...

so it looks like a lot has happened huh......

It does hurt renee.. it hurts a lot.. and I totally understand.. lets meet up. and we'll talk it over... :)
I just got to work and the answer I have for you is way too long for a comment..:)
Perhaps I will call you sometime.. call me if you get time...:)
how's work and uni?

love and hugs!

Renee~ said...

Will call ya one of these days! :D Thanks!

Unknown said...

heheeee !!:)